Southcentre Mall: Food Court

The mall food court was being relocated and renovated, so they needed a way to get shoppers excited about the big reveal. 



A parking sign was placed in the front spot in the mall parking lot to get mall-goers thinking about the food court even as they parked.

A parking sign was placed in the front spot in the mall parking lot to get mall-goers thinking about the food court even as they parked.

Tray liners were placed on trays at every food station when people were carrying their meal.



We created an upscale menu board listing the food venues and menu items.

We created an upscale menu board listing the food venues and menu items.

Agency: Taxi
Creative Director: Trent Burton & Kelsey Horne
Concept: Alyssa Geffen & Darcy Twarog
Copy: Alyssa Geffen
Art Direction: Kelsey Horn & Darcy Twarog